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Last updated: Wednesday, 12 August, 2015


... a toungue-in-cheek peek at faqs from a designer's point of view...


Yacht designers are a strange lot.  Part artist, part engineer, part salesman and most assuredly dreamers.  None of us can successfully design in any material for any service, however there are some who are driven to try. 

I thought it fun to list some of the most asked questions, and the answer a slick used car type designer might give. 

Yacht Designer Q & A

Q  How fast will she sail?
Faster than you would think.

Q  How well does she point?
A  A lot better than you would think.

Q  That estimate you gave me for construction of my boat seems a little high
A  That estimate includes a full suite of electronics.

Q  That estimate you gave me for construction of my boat seems a little low.
A  That estimate does not include any electronics.

Q  Think I could build that boat in my back yard?
A  O sure, just buy the plans.

Q  Can you design a boat for me built of chicken droppings and feathers?
Sure, been thinking about that material myself.

Q  When can you get started on the design?
A  I'm terribly busy,  but I like your ideas so well, that I can slip you in ahead of my other clients.

Q  I need a 49 passenger USCG certificated schooner designed and built by spring can you do it?
A  It's only January, no problem, just send me a retainer.

Q  This boat you designed, looks like the same design from the yacht designer Joe Blow.
A  It's not the same, I've specified a different color.

So, don't  ask a designer about the virtues of his designs, ask the boat owner who has one of his designs.